
Duty to inform according to §5 E-Commerce Act, §14 Company Code, §63 Trade Regulation Act and duty to disclose according to §25 Media Act.

Leopold Doppler Ges.m.b.H. (Restaurant Hansen)
Wipplingerstrasse 34,
1010 Vienna,

Object of the company: Restaurant
UID number: ATU51132705
Company register number: 202425i
Company Register Court: Vienna
Registered office: Vienna
ÖNACE code: I56.10-1

Tel: +43 1 532 05 42
Fax: +43 1 532 05 42

Member of: WKO Vienna
Professional law: Trade regulations:

Supervisory authority/trade authority: BG Vienna
Job title: Restaurant
Awarding State: Austria

Managing Director
Leopold Doppler


Pictures: Claudia Prieler, Lehmann Photography

All information on this website is subject to copyright protection and exclusion of liability 


Web design:
Harald Palma /


The HANSEN / The Leopold Doppler GmbH. operates this website purely for self-promotional purposes and to improve public access to information about areas of responsibility, offers.

The HANSEN / The Leopold Doppler GmbH. accepts no liability for the content of the information on this or other websites. Despite our efforts, no guarantee can be given for the topicality and correctness of this information. Insofar as errors and mistakes become known, these will be corrected as soon as possible.

Reproduction (including by electronic means) of this website or parts thereof and their distribution are permitted, provided that no payment or other consideration is demanded for the reproduction itself or for the distribution. It is not permitted to make the contents of the website available on other websites. We point out that in the event of infringement of copyrights or the rights of third parties, legal prosecution cannot be ruled out.

The place of jurisdiction is Vienna.